To be recognizcd as a provider ofhigh quality cducation in the ficld of Mechanical Engincering
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that cnables graduates to mect the nceds o> society and to crafl intellectually-adept rescarch centers with world class compctcncy and cutting cdge proficicncy.
Our mission is to produce crcative and tcchnically strong cngincers and to rescarch
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pioncering solutions to global challenges. We do this with an unprecedented commitment to integrating across engineering, sciences, arts, business and other disciplines to yield transformative results.
PEO1: To provide students a sound foundation in mathematics, science and cngincering fundamentals to formulate, analyze and solve engineering and environmental problems and prepare them for career excellence and higher studies.
PEO2: To equip students with modern tools, technology and advanced software's for deliberating engincering solutions.
PEO3: To equip students with broad based knowledge to support the service industries, economic development and to address social and engineering challenges of the nation.
PEO 4.To inculcate students with lcadership skills with high level of integrity and ethical values for team building and team work.
PSO 1:Ability to apply the knowledge of applied mathematics and advanced software tools for design specification, development of products, analysis of the physical systems, componcnts and processes involvcd in mechanical cngincering.
PSO 2: Development of skill and attitude to analyze the cause and effects on machine elements, processes and systems.
Mechanical Engineers need expertise in one or more of eight different fields: Research, Development, Design, Testing, Manufacturing, Operations, Maintenance, Marketing and Sales Administration. Through our academically strong theory and practical programs, we offer the student a solid background in Mechanical Engineering.