‘To develop technologically competent Electrical and Electronics Engineering professionals having innovative skills and ethics conducive to the development of society’.
M1 - To provide an excellent academic ambience and training for moulding competent professionals in Electrical and Electronics engineering.
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M2 - To facilitate continuous learning environment for a culture of innovation.
M3 - To promote collaborative activities to develop social & ethical values
PEO 1 : Have a successful career in Electrical and Electronics Engineering fields or pursue higher education in multidisciplinary areas.
PEO 2 : Apply Engineering fundamentals, technical knowledge, skills and modern tools to solve real world Electrical Engineering problems in industries.
PEO 3 : Adapt to any environment and practise the ethics of their profession, consistent with a sense of social responsibility.
PEO 4 : Exhibit the skills by updating the breadth of knowledge in the life-long learning process to meet the global challenges
PSO 1 : Apply the knowledge of Electrical Engineering, investigate and solve the Electrical Engineering problems to meet the specified needs with appropriate considerations for the society.
PSO 2 : Develop solutions for complex Engineering problems in the broad field of power electronics and drives, power systems, high voltage Engineering and control.
PS O3 : Analyse, design and integrate Electrical systems in industries and apply modern tools and techniques and create passion for life-long learning and research in advanced fields.