Department Facilities

Class Rooms - 4

Tutorials - 4

Workshop - 4

Programming Lab :

Kickstart your coding journey in the Programming Lab at ICCS CEM. This well-equipped facility provides a hands-on environment for students to master the fundamentals of programming languages, laying the foundation for advanced coursework.

OOP using Java Lab :

Dive into the world of object-oriented programming with our Java Lab. Here, students apply theoretical concepts in a practical setting, honing their skills in Java development and gaining a solid understanding of OOP principles.

Data Structures Lab :

Uncover the power of efficient data organization and manipulation in the Data Structures Lab. Students engage in practical exercises to implement and optimize data structures, preparing them for algorithmic challenges in real-world scenarios.

OS Lab :

Explore the heart of computer systems in the Operating Systems Lab. Here, students delve into the principles of operating systems, gaining hands-on experience in configuring, troubleshooting, and optimizing these crucial components.

Digital Lab :

Step into the Digital Lab to understand the core principles of digital electronics and logic design. Through practical experiments, students grasp the foundations of digital systems, preparing them for advanced studies and applications.

System Software and Microprocessor Lab :

The System Software and Microprocessor Lab at ICCS CEM is where students engage with the intricacies of system-level programming and microprocessor architecture. Practical sessions in this lab equip students with the skills needed to design and optimize software at the system level.

DBMS Lab :

In the Database Management System Lab, students gain hands-on experience with database design, implementation, and management. This lab is designed to reinforce theoretical concepts through practical application, preparing students for real-world database challenges.

Network Lab :

Connect to the future in the Network Lab, where students delve into the world of computer networks. Through practical exercises, students gain insights into network configurations, protocols, and security measures, preparing them for careers in network administration.

Compiler Lab :

Decode the complexities of programming language translation in the Compiler Lab. Students engage in practical exercises to understand compiler design principles, enhancing their ability to create efficient and error-free code.

Project Lab:

The Project Lab is the culmination of the CSE journey at ICCS CEM. Here, students apply their cumulative knowledge to real-world projects, honing teamwork, problem-solving, and project management skills as they prepare for the challenges of the professional landscape.